
United States Canada Australia United Kingdom Europe United Arab Emirates Saudi Arabia Japan & Many More! Welcome to aquarella! My name is Cinzia and i created this blog to show you my pictures and work in Cozumel. I ve been doing underwater photography for the last 10 years in the most spectacular diving sites around the world.

No narrator will come to our rescue here. Without any expositional assistance, we are going to spend the next hour and twenty minutes and change watching—and hearing—the awesome implacable power of water.

For some time people disappear from the camera’s view. Icebergs fall off of glaciers and into water, and rise up again, the noise accompanying them rather like an earthquake.

Sometimes the camera will just sit between ocean and sky, or hover above churning, roiling water. The abstract patterns it creates are dizzying and terrifying.

They get more terrifying when the sky turns gray. A sailing yacht is seen as a storm starts churning up. Two crew members turn wheels, climb masts, executing their moves with deliberation and trying to avoid haste. While knowing they need to work quickly. All this is conveyed without words.

Some will recognize Miami as it is pummeled by Hurricane Irma. Here one of the courageous (and, one has to say, foolhardy) filmmakers ventures outside and runs up a boulevard, its traffic lights hanging by wires after being unmoored from their posts, palm trees getting their fronds ripped off by the brutal winds.

People turn up again, in what appears to be a flooding cave. Here the amazing imagery attains a level of terrifying abstractness.

This is a purely sensationalistic cinematic experience that paradoxically encourages reflection and contemplation. Although the use of some (admittedly pretty good) heavy metal music on the soundtrack feels like a bit of overreaching. The guitar riffs rhyme with the growth of a tidal wave to such an extent you’re almost waiting for a gravelly bass voice to announce “EXTREEEEEEEEME WEATHERRRRR!!!!” The genuine awesome on display here doesn’t need that cheese injection.

Amazonia Green – Inspired by the world’s richest and most-varied rainforest, the Amazon basin, containing several million species of plants and animals, many still remain unrecorded by science. The luxuriant vegetation encompasses a wide variety of trees, including many species of palm, acacia and ferns as well as the beautiful rosewood and Brazil nut. We have chosen to celebrate this wonder of the world and name our most rich and deepest of green colored contact lens Amazonia Green!

We hope you love it!

Dandara Hazel – Inspired from our Brazilian heritage and culture we have chosen to name this most beautiful hazel colored contact lens after Dandara of Palmares, the most celebrated of warriors. Dandara literally means “a mais bela” (the most beautiful). We celebrate Dandara a queen, a mother and a warrior, daring and powerful, intelligent, thoughtful and a loyal woman and leader. Doing it her way and fighting for the freedom, equality and independence of all black women and men in Brazil during the 17th century. She gave her life for the cause. Dandara was the wife of Zumbi, (Brazil’s most celebrated Afro-Brazilian leader), a freedom fighter in her own right she deserves to be remembered as more than just someone’s wife.

We celebrate everything she stands for then and today!

Beleza Gray – Inspired by our beautiful and lyrical language, Portuguese, we have chosen Beleza as the name for our most beautiful gray colored contact lens. Beleza in Portuguese literally means beauty! We love this word and we use it in many different ways and we wanted to share it with you. In portugeses we would say “Que beleza!” meaning “Whay Beauty”.

Beleza Brazil!

Aquarella Tattoos

Arara Blue – Inspired by all the beautiful birds of paradise that inhabit the vibrant country that is our home, Arara Blue will bring to you the most wonderful blue eyes. This blue colored contact lens is inspired by the Hyacinth Macaw, a stunningly beautiful blue parrot, with vibrant deep blue feathers that have just a touch of lighter blue, this beautiful bird of paradise turns heads when seen. Known for their playful, inquisitive and sociable nature, Macaws are captivatingly beautiful, just like you!

We hope that you appreciate the splendour of Arara Blue!

Aquarellable Pencil

Cambuci Green – This glorious shade of green is inspired by the Cambuci Tree, producing one of the sweetest and most versatile of fruits. Native to Brazil’s Atlantic Forest this wonderful fruit falls naturally to the ground when ripe and ready to eat. Cambuci Green combines several shades of green making it one of the most mesmerizing eye colors that we have ever produced.

Aquarella quartzite countertops

Celebrate your softer side when wearing the sweetest of green colored contact lenses!

Aquarella Stone

Bossa Nova Gray – Bossa Nova music nods towards the style of Samba which was developed in the late 1950s and 1960s in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It’s main characteristics are a “different beat” and some unconventional chords, bringing a more romantic and dreamy mood to the music and dance. The beautiful blue-gray tones of this lens are as unique as the Bossa Nova beat!


Dance your own style when wearing Bossa Nova Gray!