Simple Machines Calculators

Our brains are amazingly versatile, but we find it hard to calculatein our heads because they can store only so many numbers. According toa famous bit of 1950s research by psychologist George Miller, we canremember typically 5–9 digits (or, as Miller put it: 'the magicalnumber seven, plus orminus two') before our brains start to ache and forget. That's whypeople have been using aids to help them calculate since ancienttimes. Indeed, the word calculator comes from the Latin

  1. Simple Machines Calculations Worksheet
  2. Basic Calculator Free Online Calculator
  3. Simple Machines Calculator
  4. Simple Machines Calculator

The following are to links to the equation and calculators for simple lever machines. Simple Machine Levers Equations and Calculation: Engineering Analysis Menu. The following are to links to the equation and calculators for simple lever machines. Should you find any errors omissions broken links, please let us know - Feedback. Susan's truck gets stuck in the mud. She uses a tree branch as a lever to lift the truck out. She applies an effort force of 700 N to the branch and the back of the truck weighs 2100 N. Formula: MA = 2. n. Mechanical Advantage in Single Pulley. Mechanical Advantage in Multiple Pulley. Where, MA = Mechanical Advantage of Pulley. N = Number of Movable Pulleys. F effort = Force /.

Calculate the AMA of the ramp below. The efficiency of a machine can be determined by the following equation. Efficiency = actual mechanical advantage x 100 OR (Work Out) / (Work In) x 100 ideal mechanical advantage efficiency = AMA x 100 IMA 6a. Determine the efficiency based on the diagram below.

Simple Machines Calculations Worksheet

, which means to count up using stones.Lever ama calculator

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Calculator Use

This is a simple basic calculator with memory functions similar to a small handheld calculator. Use this basic calculator for math with addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. Memory and clear functions for this standard calculator are listed below.

  • mc = Memory Clear
  • m+ = Memory Plus
  • m- = Memory Minus
  • mr = Memory Recall
  • CE = Clear Entry
  • AC = All Clear
  • √x = Square Root
  • +/- = Plus/Minus
  • π = Pi
  • x² = Square:
  • R2 = Round to 2 Decimals
  • R0 = Round to 0 Decimals
  • % = Percent
  • Delete/Backspace --> deletes one character at a time from the right end of the display.

Basic Calculator Free Online Calculator

Simple Machines Calculators

The calculator memory is at 0 until you hit m+ or m-. Each time you hit m+ the number on the display is added to the number in the calculator memory. Each time you hit m- the number on the display is subtracted from the number in the calculator memory. To recall the number in the calculator memory hit mr. To zero out the memory hit mc.

Simple Machines Calculator


Use AC to clear out the current calculation. Use CE to clear out the most recent entry. Note that if the AC key is not visible, hit CE and then AC to clear out your calculation.


To view a web page containing only this calculator see The Online Calculator at

Simple Machines Calculator

Mechanical advantage lever calculator

If you need to see a running total and tape history of your calculations use our Adding Machine Calculator.

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Furey, Edward 'Basic Calculator'; CalculatorSoup, - Online Calculators