

The table below shows a comparison between ndCurveMaster 2D and ndCurveMaster. NdCurveMaster version comparision ndCurveMaster 2D ndCurveMaster number of independent variables in a regression model single input variable unlimited number of input variables automated machine learning algorithm, see here – + list of functions, see here 813 basic functions power, exponential and logarithmic. NdCurveMaster for mac OS ndCurveMaster was designed to find optimum equations to Aeron Forex Auto Trader US Aeron Forex Auto Trader - Reasons Why One should Prefer Lock Desktop for Mac OS This application locks your desktop by running a simple Visit HotFiles@Winsite for. NdCurveMaster was designed to find optimum equations to describe empirical data using a regression method. NdCurveMaster is the first and only program to find. NdCurveMaster for mac OS v.1.2.2 ndCurveMaster was designed to find optimum equations to describe empirical data using a regression method. NdCurveMaster is the first and only program to find the ideal equation to allows the auto fitting of an unlimited number of input variables.


ndCurveMaster is n-dimensional nonlinear curve & surface fitting program, and:


  • Can load a data set consisting of measured values and automatically discovers regression equation set
  • Can auto fit an unlimited number of input variables and their combinations
  • Utilizes an automated machine learning method for the discovery of equations
  • Offers a multicollinearity detection option through the use of a variance inflation factor (VIF) to improve model quality
  • Offers an overfitting detection option
  • Uses heuristic techniques for curve fitting
  • Quickly generates high quality results and saves time


Ndcurvemaster 2d

  • Fully automated process curves to fit your data sets
  • Nonlinear fitting
  • Curve and surface fitting: 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D, ..., n-dimensional fitting
  • Automated discovery of nonlinear equations
  • Auto data fitting of an unlimited number of fitted variables
  • Heuristic techniques for data fitting by the use of random iterated or full random search alghorithms
  • Full statistical analysis of every equation
  • Multicollinearity detection by the use of a Variance inflation factor (VIF)
  • Searching for models with a VIF limit value
  • Stepwise regression with backward elimination
  • Weight data for individual data points in any column
  • Detect and prevent overfitting
  • Models with or without an intercept term
  • Free expansion or reduction of the model by the user
  • Ability to lock the predictor variable option to not modify a preselected predictor variable while searching
  • Import data from CSV, TXT, XLSX, XLS spreadsheets
  • Result history and ranking
  • Up to 380 basic functions such as power, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions grouped in 5 collections
  • Copy or save to CSV file options
  • Set any significant level alpha value
  • Optimized to deal with large amounts of data
  • 2D Fitted line, residual plots and histogram in the graph