Temp Monitor

Internet of Things data platform for temperature and humidity sensors with maps

Table of contents

  • Features
    • Sensor monitor
    • Maps
  • How to deploy


Visit tempmonitor.silviosimunic.com for demo.



Technology stack

  • Laravel for website and RESTful API
  • MySQL database
Temp Monitor

This project is also using jQuery, Bootstrap and Google Maps API.

Apr 13, 2021 With this PC temp monitor, you can easily setup RPM to 100% under extreme circumstances. To show accurate readings SpeedFan uses digital temperature sensors (DTS) placed on processors and provides reliable temperature readings. This free tool also supports Windows 7, 8, Vista, and XP. The Temp Stick is an excellent model to compare with. We’ve found that it is the most accurate WiFi temperature monitoring system. It has a temperature measuring range of -40°F to 140°F accurate to ±0.4°C (max) and a relative humidity range of 0 to 100% accurate to ±4% RH (max).

Theme used is Bootswatch Paper.

Temp Monitor

Apr 10, 2021 The Temp Stick is an excellent model to compare with. We’ve found that it is the most accurate WiFi temperature monitoring system. It has a temperature measuring range of -40°F to 140°F accurate to ±0.4°C (max) and a relative humidity range of 0 to 100% accurate to ±4% RH (max). Thus tracking CPU temp which can guide us about our system health is essential. Some of The Best CPU Temperature Monitor Tools For Windows: 1. Core Temp Image Source: Alcpu. Core temp is a user-friendly and lightweight tool that can monitor your system temperature effortlessly. It is compatible with almost all types of processors and displays.

Charts are powered by Highcharts. See their License/Pricing.

Heatmaps are generated with heatmap.js.


ESP8266 module was used for this project.


Temp Monitoring System


Home page when user is logged in.

Sensors list

List of sensors with latest data and action menu.

Sensor monitor


Displays temperature and humidity line chart with live data.

24 hours

Displays temperature line chart (average and range) for last 24 hours.

30 days

Displays temperature line chart (average and range) for last 30 days.

Sensor settings

Change sensor settings and alerts.

Sensor API

Temp Monitor Amd Ryzen

Quick guide on how to use RESTful API for selected sensor.


Google Maps

Basic interactive Google Map with sensor data.

Custom maps (Default)

Custom map with background.

Custom maps (Heatmap)

Custom map with background and heatmap.

How to deploy


  • Apache 2
  • PHP 5.6
  • MySQL
  • Composer


Download structure.sql file and execute SQL.

This will create tempmonitor database and tables.

Configure MySQL settings in .env and config/database.php files.

Temp Monitor Amd


Run composer install inside project folder to install dependencies.


If you are getting 500 error at this point, run